Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It’s like midnight and I feel I should post something


Pretty self explanatory, if you read the heading anyway. I have a couple of ideas for post lined up but am not doing them now as I am lazy. One involves Star Wars toys I got a while ago and the other is about how all Australian politicians look like Romulans from Star Trek. Both involve pictures and junk that I can’t be bothered to do now. By junk I mean words, not anything to fancy. Both will be awesome, you can pretty much just imagine the most awesome thing you can, like a lion riding a.. hah! I saw the funniest thing on tv the other day. It was an olde timey bike for the ladies, in the penny farthing era but it had two little wheels on one side and a big one on the other.




Who comes up with this stuff? The olden times  were pretty funny really. What kind of thought process goes through ones head when inventing weird sideways bikes? Why not make it symmetrical unless they were trying to amuse people 200 years into the future. I guess that is a possibility. Go and invent a time machine and find out for me.

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