Thursday, May 14, 2009

Harry Potter?! Harry Potter??!

I was in a shop the other day, and by shop I mean Target or something and by other day I mean before Christmas, and I saw this Harry Potter figure for $3.00 and bought it in order to post about.


If you can read you can see it says it’s from the order of the phoenix movie and contains a wand and a base! If you can’t read then you can’t read this anyway, so learn to read then come back. Done that? Good. I can’t remember what number this one is in the series (of books not toys) probably in the middle somewhere. I think the books started off entertaining, just chillaxing at school casting magic at junk, then got progressively longer and more dull. The later books pretty much went “Oh no the bad guy is around, oh wait now he is defeated by Harry” but for some reason they took 6000 pages to do that, rather than 20 words.

I hate clamshell packaging, so hard to open!



Here he is, in his whatever school uniform (I don’t know). He can barely move at all, just to kind of lift his arms slightly and twist at the waist. I can move more than that and I don’t have a billion dollar franchise based around me. I’m pretty sure I should tho. Whoever made this (Neca is what it says on the packet) defiantly didn’t skimp on the extras. The base perfectly captures the part in the movie where Harry stood on the vortex of total blackness and it is not a piece of black plastic to compensate for the inability of the figure to stand. Actually that is a lie and now I feel bad, he can stand by himself. I don’t know if you can see in the pictures but it looks like he’s doing a pursed lips, Angelina Jolie impression.

Fun times.

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