Thursday, August 21, 2008

Zack and Wiki

I had an interesting idea for a post a couple of days ago, but I couldn't log on so you miss out. Also I've forgotten what it was.

I bought "Zack and Wiki: the quest for Barbaro's treasure" yesterday. It sort of an old point and click adventure, but with crazy controls. So far I've opened umbrellas, cut down trees, dropped mushrooms into soup, etc. Fun stuff! It reminds me of playing games when I was little. Back before the ubiquity of the internet, getting stuck in games meant calling up the hint line (I think some games might still have that) or use the hint book along with some red transparency. I don't remember why you needed that, maybe they put the solutions so they couldn't be read, but general hints so you could.

I had an exam for knowledge management on Tuesday. Not sure how I went. There were forty multiple choice questions and I was out in something like ten minutes. That means I either went really well, or really badly.


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