Saturday, August 23, 2008

Xbox 360

I picked up an xbox 360 yesterday, and have been playing a bit since then. I went for the 'elite' model which is black and has a larger hard dick then the normal model. It came in some pack thing with a couple of games. Halo 3 and Gears of War, in case you were wondering. The gears case was broken and the disc wouldn’t run, so I had to exchange it this morning. Despite the broken game, I was pleased with the level of packaging. Overall there was relatively less than that of the Wii, with the majority being cardboard.

I played halo for a bit and it didn't really seem anything special, I'll probably give it another go during the holidays. Gears is fun, and will be more so when I rope some sucker in to play co-op with me. As repeatedly killing people can get old I bought Skate today as well (as well as what? I don't know, it's late and I'm sleepy). It is also fun. You just ride around doing tricks, not much to it really. The control scheme is different to all the other skating games I’ve played (ie the tony hawk series), so I still need some time to develop appropriate psychomotor skills (eg making the little guy jump over things, not go faster and crash into them, which happens quite a lot). Did that paragraph make sense? I don’t think it did.

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