Monday, December 21, 2009

I often bite myself while I eat.

It happens no matter what food I am eating, usually occuring in multiple times in a small period. I assume that any initial biting causes a swelling within the mouth, which increases the chance of being bitten in the same area. Sometimes it bleeds. When it happens I say somemthing along the lines of “oh expletive deleted” and glare around with contempt of whoever happens to be in the room. I don't really see how it could be anyone's fault, but it might well be.

Maybe I just have weird shaped teeth. I am often accused of eating too fast but I don't think its that. If I wanted to I could eat even faster, but I like food to much to eat any slower. The activity of eating requires the balancement of the force of “I might die before I eat this chicken nugget” and the opposing force of “I only have one chicken nugget left”. The first pushes me to eat faster and the second to eat slower. My exact eating speed is determined by these two forces. I guess they might not balance (?), but I wanted to use the word balancement as it sounds funny to me. For me to eat slower, and not bite myself, I'd need less food, but if I get less food I will complain. So I'm not going to eat less food or eat any slower, not that that would help anyway, seeing as my whole point is that biting myself is not due to my eating speed.

Moral: If I am eating and bite myself, don't tell me to eat slower or I will point you too this post and you will suffer in your wrongnessness.

Oh hey, I own a Dr Zoidberg bobblehead! I forgot about that. Reading this blog is cool.


nicola said...

I bet I can eat faster than you.

Slim said...

I watched Philadelphia once starring Tom Hanks and he was pretty much was always saying stuff about how his mouth was swollen and also how he was being discriminated against and how he was dying and stuff. What I'm saying is you have AIDS.