Monday, August 17, 2009

One whole year!

This blog has been has been around for a whole year, I feel like a proud mother. So many good times. Remember that month when I updated more than twice, good times good times. To celebrate lets play a fun game! It's called...

Romulan or Australian Politician!!!!

It's easy, simple guess which of the following are Romulans, the bad dudes from beyond the neutral zone, and which are Australian politicians, the bad dudes from Australia.

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Do, do, do, do (I don't know how to write game show music but that was my attempt)

Times up.

Did you guess number 4? If so then you are correct!!!!
If not then too bad.

Number 1: Don't let the haircut fool you she is human under there, it's Senator the Hon Penny Wong, Minister for Climate Change and Water

Number 2: This is a tricky one as she is actully half Human and half Betazoid, but not Romulan. The picture is from an episode were she had to get surgically altered to look like a Romulan.

Number 3: Perhaps the hardest one to pick, but it is form Prime Minister John Howard. I know, I know, the scowl and eyebrows, but the Romulans are not evil enough to produce anythign as vile as WorkChoices.

Number 4: Is Romulan!

Well wasn't that fun.

Satire or spitefulness, you decide

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