Monday, June 8, 2009

The words ‘best biscuits ever’ are thrown around allot these days…


But I feel entirely justified in saying that I made the best biscuits ever. (I made six typos already, poor efort) I also feel entirely justified in saying it was me and me alone who made these biscuits possible. Two whole trays full.




As the pictures illustrate, they are the best biscuits ever.


They were easy to make too, ever for a regular person who isn’t as great as me. Just lollies, icing sugar, water and milk arrowroot biscuits. I know what a milk is but arrowroot? Some kind of a root I guess. One known for it’s arrow-like qualities. If I were to make a history of the arrowroot it would go something like this:


A long time ago, when the might tyrannosaurus rex  stomped around smashing junk, a cave man named Thesel found some root in the ground and decided it would go well with the bow he had invented that morning. Thesel fired his bow and the arrowroot hit the trex. As roots are no good weapons, the blow only annoyed the trex who preceded to fire his laser beams at Thesel. The laserbeams cooked Thesel and also there was a cow there who made some milk and then a biscuit was made somehow. The trex, being not so creative in the naming department, called the new biscuit the ‘milk arrowroot’ biscuit due to is milk and arrowroot nature. And so the story of the arrowroot is told, and you know that it is true as it was written by me.

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