Monday, September 29, 2008


We were in the supermarket the other day and spotted a big display full of various kinds of character related glasses. I would have said super hero related as that is what they mainly were, but for some reason there was 'cars' and 'speed racer' themed ones as well. I wouldn't call ether of those super heroes. Was there a somewhat recent speed racer movie? Maybe the theme was 'recent-ish movies' I don't know. Anyway.. All up there was cars, speed racer, the hulk, batman, Spiderman and some other one I can't remember. I got one of each batman and Spiderman.

Neither are taken from their recent movie outings, and I think they look pretty 90's. I could be wrong, I was once before. Batman looks a bit too much like a body builder for my liking. The bottom of the picture declares him the 'caped crusader' and who am I too argue. The other side has the relevant logo one it, just in case you didn't know.

I've done some tests and have conclusively proved that drinking from these glasses taste 12% better than all other glasses.

Also, my spell check is picking up spiderman as a mistake (it says it should be Spiderman), but not batman. Way to pick favourites inanimate computer. No wonder batman has to work out so much; he doesn’t even get a capital letter.

1 comment:

nicola said...

I was going to correct the non- capitalisation of, but it seems you beat me to it. Not fair.