A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away...
It is a dark time for the attendees of the “Where Science meets Imagination” exhibit. Although the first floor has been looked at, the thought of no more Star Wars junk will drive the attendees forces from the museum and negative thoughts will pursue them across the galaxy.
Evading the dreaded Imperial Starfleet, a group of people who set up the exhibits led by Luke Skywalker has established a whole floor of robot stuff with nothing from the remote ice world of Hoth, as the stuff from Hoth was on the first floor.
The evil lord Darth Vader, obsessed with finding young Skywalker,
has dispatched thousands of remote probes into the far reaches of
One of those probe droids apparently landed in Sydney.
The second floor was full of robots. It was better than the first because it was full of robots. I don’t seem to have as many pictures as the first floor but I think we were looking at robots for longer than not looking at robots. The floor started with some animatronics show about robots.
I always find animatronics amusing. I don’t really know why, but animatronics plus anything equals entertainment. Perhaps it’s all the out of synch, stilted movements Add in Star Wars as well and you have the foundations for a pretty good recipe.
The show was about some lady, who doesn’t get a picture cause she wasn’t even in any of the Star Wars movies (including the prequels), arguing with C3P0 that R2 was a great robot. C3P0 had a sassy comeback for everything about how R2 was always causing mischief and the like. I should have paid more attention to what he said, but it was all great, trust me. I looked on youtube to see if someone had put up a video of it, but apparently not. The lady was saying how much better than our robots R2 is, which is true. In the movies R2 serves drinks and shocks people. I have one that gives me pez and nothing else.
Here is some other stuff they had there:
Look out it’s Darth Vader! And he has bought along a Storm Trooper.
And the Storm Trooper has bought along a toy of a Clone Trooper. I think there should have been more scenes in the movie of characters playing with toys. Think about it, what’s more exciting? Laser shooty battles or carefully arranging things into little scenes and then slightly altering them. The second one for sure.
Leia, R2 and goldman.
Medical droid and robo-arm. This guy has other guys in just underpants hanging around in tanks, which is pretty good if you are into that kind of thing.
Destroyer droid or droideka. They call them both of those names in the movies. I think these are one of the best things in the new movies. Rolling about with force fields and lasers. The model or whatever was pretty big, it was taller than me so must have been like 2 meters tall, but you can’t really see that in the picture.
AT-ST and AT-AT, not to scale I assume.
Footprint on floor. Why is there a photo of this? It’s not very exciting. Why am I bothering to post it here?
I think that’s it from the Star Wars thing. There was a whole bunch of other junk on the robot floor as well, but I suspect it was trying to teach me stuff about the real world. To learn anything new I’d have to forget something I know now, unlucky new information, you are nothing to me.