Friday, January 16, 2009

Stuff I hate


i.e. When people replace the 's' in company names with a '$'. For example, Micro$oft, $ony. See also, a small, brown panted, lemur.


How clever is it when people do this? I mean to move your finger slightly above the 's' key and hold the shift button, well that just deserves a gold star by itself! But to couple it with the startling insight that a company wants money in exchange for goods and services, that's just... well I'm lost for words*. I thought the menus and price lists everywhere we just joking when they asked for money. Surely $5.00 really means 5 loving hugs not 5 real dollars. What? It doesn't? Well sir I tip my bonnet to you. You have aped more from the situation then I could, deducing the when people ask for money what they really want is money! For this you will get 3 gold stars.


Mental note to self: Add three gold stars to moron who thinks it is witty to replace the 's' in company name's with '$' gold star tally.


*Not really, I can think some words. Such as the ones I just wrote. And the word hippopotamus because it is my favourite word. I could probably write the names of more animals if I wanted to. But I won't**.

**Fox, goat, cat, melon, dinosaur, dog.